1] Tape punch having 1 inch in width tape it is made by
A] Paper Mylar
B] Aluminum Mylar
C] Plastic
D] Above all

2] In point two point positioning positioning system......... Is acceptable
A] Open loop control system
B] Closed loop control system
C] Above both
D] None of them

3] In CNC machine having.......
A] Lead screw
B] Ball lead screw
C] Above both
D] None of both

4] The aim of sub program is........
A] For find coordinates X Y Z.
B] For other small machine.
C] To avoid cutting tool nose tool nose penetration in Jobs surface of high speed.
D] While machining of job in special condition do not use time to time of program block.

5] What is mean by while while xyz co-ordinate point measure zero- measurement
A] Reference mark.
B] Work zero
C] Co-ordinate points
D] Above all

6] CNC machine specified by axis......
A] 2 axis
B] 3 axis
C] 4 axis
D] Above all

7] Xyz axis of CNC machines which point is used for measurements.
A] Work zero point
B] Machine zero point
C] Common zero point
D] Above all

8] Following which point is not useful in CNC machine.
A] various operation done on CNC machine.
B] Less amount for inspection.
C] Hard for setting measure.
D] Machine efficiency is depend upon operators skill.

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